Esta es una recopilación en red,propios y envios, si alguna persona física o jurídica cree tener algún derecho sobre estas imágenes basta que lo comunique y seran retiradas.
I noticed that you are using a Cipriano Landscape Design photograph on your blog. While we appreciate that you have taken an interest in our work we would like to make you aware that international copyright laws protect these photographs. Rather than ask you to take the photo down, I am simply requesting that you simply include a link to our website beneath the photograph.
Please include the text “Cipriano Landscaping NJ” and include a hyperlink to on the “Landscaping NJ” portion of the text.
The photo I am referring to is;
Located on this page.
If you have any questions comments or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.
Best regards, Luke 201-785-0800 201-785-9181
To Whom It May Concern:
ResponderEliminarI noticed that you are using a Cipriano Landscape Design photograph on your blog. While we appreciate that you have taken an interest in our work we would like to make you aware that international copyright laws protect these photographs. Rather than ask you to take the photo down, I am simply requesting that you simply include a link to our website beneath the photograph.
Please include the text “Cipriano Landscaping NJ” and include a hyperlink to on the “Landscaping NJ” portion of the text.
The photo I am referring to is;
Located on this page.
If you have any questions comments or concerns please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.
Best regards,